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Markdown in Visual Studio Code: Shortcuts and Commands


Markdown in Visual Studio Code: Shortcuts and Commands

As developers and writers, we can all agree that efficiently authoring Markdown documents is crucial for productivity.

Luckily, Visual Studio Code offers powerful shortcuts and commands to streamline your Markdown workflow.

In this post, we'll explore VS Code's best Markdown features - from previewing docs to enhancing code blocks - so you can format Markdown and focus on creating great content.

Introduction to Markdown in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a popular open-source text editor with robust support for writing and editing Markdown files. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that uses simple syntax to format plain text documents, making it easy to style documents consistently without needing to write HTML or CSS. Learning keyboard shortcuts and commands for Markdown in VS Code can help increase efficiency and productivity when writing technical documents or software documentation.

What is Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor developed by Microsoft that has quickly become one of the most used text editors in the world. It comes packed with features that allow you to edit and debug code, while also providing tools for working with Markdown, JSON, YAML, HTML, and CSS files.

As an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), VS Code includes built-in support for IntelliSense code completion, debugging, syntax highlighting, code refactoring, Git version control integration, and customization of keyboard shortcuts and settings. This makes it a versatile option whether you are writing code, documentation, articles, or any other type of text-based content.

The Basics of Markdown Syntax

Markdown is a lightweight, easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format for documents. It allows you to format text using headers, lists, links, images, code blocks and more without needing to take your hands off the keyboard to use cumbersome formatting tools and menus.

Some of the basic Markdown syntax includes:

  • Headings - Start a line with # to create different heading sizes
  • Bold - Surround text with two asterisks (**) to bold text
  • Italic - Surround text with one asterisk (*) to italicize text
  • Lists - Use dashes (-) or numbers to create bulleted and numbered lists
  • Links - Place link text in brackets ([]) followed by URL in parentheses (())
  • Images - Similar format to links but with an exclamation point (!) first
  • Code Blocks - Indent lines by four spaces or surround them with triple backticks (```)

This simplicity and readability is why Markdown has become a popular format for documentation, readme files, articles, books, and more.

Advantages of Using Shortcuts and Commands

Mastering the keyboard shortcuts and commands for Markdown in Visual Studio Code can help boost efficiency by keeping your hands on the keyboard instead of needing to use the mouse to click through menus and icons.

Some of the advantages include:

  • Faster editing - Keyboard shortcuts allow quick text formatting without context switching
  • Improved focus - Stay centered by limiting distractions and unnecessary clicks
  • Higher productivity - Get more done by streamlining repetitive tasks
  • Customization - Tailor shortcuts to your preferences for optimal efficiency

Taking the time to learn shortcuts like toggling bold (Ctrl+B) and italic (Ctrl+I) text, creating headers, code blocks, links, and more, can add up to big time savings in the long run.

Can I use Markdown in Visual Studio code?

Yes, Visual Studio Code has excellent support for writing and editing Markdown files. Here are some of the key Markdown features in VS Code:

Markdown Editing and Preview

  • VS Code provides syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and linting for Markdown files to help catch issues as you type.
  • You can toggle a live preview of the rendered Markdown on the side using the Markdown: Open Preview command. This updates automatically as you edit the Markdown document.
  • Use the Markdown: Open Preview to the Side command to open the preview in a side-by-side view with the Markdown editor.

Extensions and Customization

  • There are many Markdown extensions available in the VS Code Marketplace to add extra functionality like enhanced preview, export options, etc. Popular options include Markdown All in One and Markdown Preview Enhanced.
  • You can customize the Markdown preview style by tweaking the CSS. For example, to get GitHub-style rendering.

Other Handy Features

  • VS Code makes it easy to insert Markdown syntax elements like headers, bold, lists, and code blocks through keyboard shortcuts and the command palette.
  • The integrated terminal helps you quickly preview the rendered HTML from a Markdown file.
  • You get word count statistics and spell checking for Markdown documents.

So in summary - yes, with VS Code's Markdown features plus extensions you have a full-featured Markdown editor tuned for productivity and customization when working with Markdown files.

Is VS Code a good Markdown editor?

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has excellent support for Markdown, making it a great option for creating and editing Markdown documents. Here are some of the key reasons why VS Code is an excellent Markdown editor:

Intuitive Markdown Editing Features

  • VS Code provides a clean Markdown text editor with useful features like code folding, syntax highlighting, and bracket matching to help you write Markdown more efficiently.
  • It has a built-in Markdown preview so you can visually see how your Markdown will be rendered as you type. You can toggle the preview on and off and view it side-by-side with the editor.
  • Useful keyboard shortcuts, like Ctrl/Cmd + B to toggle bold and Ctrl/Cmd + I to toggle italics, help speed up Markdown formatting.

Robust Extension Ecosystem

  • There are many high-quality Markdown extensions available in the VS Code Marketplace, like Markdown All in One and Markdown Preview Enhanced. These extensions add extra functionality like auto-completion, linting, and more preview customization options.
  • You can customize and enhance your Markdown authoring workflow with extensions. For example, the Word Count extension displays the word count in the status bar.

Integrates with Common Tools

  • VS Code has built-in Git support, making it easy to use Markdown to write documentation and README files stored in repositories.
  • It integrates with static site generators like Jekyll, so you can preview your Markdown as a static website as you write.

Overall, VS Code has the features, customizability, and ecosystem to be a very capable Markdown editor suitable for most Markdown uses. Its flexibility makes it a great choice whether you're writing simple Markdown documents or more complex projects.

How do I render Markdown to HTML in VS Code?

To render Markdown to HTML in Visual Studio Code, you can use the Markdown Preview Enhanced extension. Here are the steps:

Install the Extension

  • Open the Extensions sidebar in VS Code (Ctrl+Shift+X)
  • Search for "Markdown Preview Enhanced"
  • Click "Install" to add the extension

Open the Preview Pane

  • Open a Markdown (.md) file in VS Code
  • Use the "Open Preview to the Side" command or Ctrl+K V to open the preview pane

Export Markdown to HTML

  • With the preview pane open, click on the "..." menu
  • Select "Export" > "Export to HTML"
  • Choose a location to save the generated HTML file

The Markdown Preview Enhanced extension converts your Markdown content to HTML using the markdown-it library and its plugins. It supports GitHub flavored markdown, embedded media like images and videos, math typesetting with KaTeX syntax, diagrams with Mermaid or PlantUML, and more.

The extension is highly customizable, with settings to tweak the markdown and HTML output. It's a versatile tool for previewing and exporting Markdown in VS Code.

How do you write code in Markdown?

The basic Markdown syntax allows you to create code blocks by indenting lines by four spaces or one tab. If you find that inconvenient, you can use fenced code blocks in Markdown.

To create a fenced code block, place triple backticks ``` or triple tildes ~~~ on the lines before and after the code block:

// this is a fenced code block
var x = 10;

Fenced code blocks allow you to specify a coding language after the opening backticks, which enables syntax highlighting in many Markdown processors and editors:

// fenced code block with JavaScript specified 
var x = 10;

Visual Studio Code has excellent support for writing Markdown with code blocks. You can toggle the Markdown preview to see rendered output. VS Code also includes useful Markdown extensions like Markdown All in One to optimize the editing experience.

Some key benefits of using fenced code blocks in Markdown:

  • Avoid having to indent code manually
  • Cleaner formatting for code examples
  • Syntax highlighting support
  • Integrates well with popular Markdown editors like VS Code

So if you find indenting code samples tedious, give fenced code blocks a try for more convenient Markdown syntax.


Getting Started with Markdown in Visual Studio Code

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to write using plain text and have it rendered with formatting. Visual Studio Code has excellent support for authoring Markdown files.

How to Create and Open Markdown Files

To create a new Markdown file in VS Code:

  • Click on the New File icon in the Explorer pane
  • Enter the filename with the .md extension
  • Start writing Markdown content

To open an existing Markdown file:

  • Click on the Open File icon in the Explorer pane
  • Navigate to the Markdown file location
  • Select the .md file

The file contents will open in the editor with Markdown formatting.

Markdown Preview VSCode Functionality

VS Code has a built-in Markdown preview feature that renders the Markdown in real-time:

  • Use the Ctrl+Shift+V shortcut or the command palette to open Markdown preview
  • The preview will open side-by-side for easy editing and viewing
  • Changes made to Markdown content will automatically update in the preview

Additional preview configurations are available in the status bar, including preview themes and rendering styles.

CommonMark Specification in VS Code

VS Code uses the CommonMark specification for Markdown parsing and rendering. This ensures standardization and compatibility across Markdown files.

Key benefits include:

  • Reliable and consistent rendering of Markdown elements
  • Portability of Markdown files across different platforms
  • Support for latest Markdown specifications and standards

Utilizing Markdown Extensions in VS Code

The VS Code Marketplace offers various extensions to enhance the Markdown authoring experience:

  • Markdown All in One - Extensive toolkit with table of contents, list editing and auto completions
  • Markdown Preview Enhanced - Adds GitHub flavored markdown, chart support and presenter mode
  • Markdown Emoji - Auto-complete for emoji syntax while typing

To install, search for the extensions by name in the Extensions view and click Install. Restart VS Code to enable the extensions.

Markdown Editing Shortcuts in Visual Studio Code

Markdown documents can be efficiently edited in Visual Studio Code using various keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts help speed up common tasks like undo/redo, find/replace, formatting elements, and previewing the rendered document.

Basic Editing Commands

Here are some essential VS Code shortcuts for basic markdown editing:

  • Undo last edit: Ctrl/Cmd + Z
  • Redo last undo: Ctrl/Cmd + Y
  • Find text in document: Ctrl/Cmd + F
  • Replace text: Ctrl/Cmd + H
  • Select all text: Ctrl/Cmd + A
  • Copy selected text: Ctrl/Cmd + C
  • Paste copied text: Ctrl/Cmd + V

Using these basic shortcuts can help boost productivity when editing markdown files.

Formatting Shortcuts for Markdown

VS Code has shortcuts to quickly format common markdown elements:

  • Bold text: Ctrl/Cmd + B
  • Italic text: Ctrl/Cmd + I
  • Code block: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + C
  • Blockquote: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Q
  • Ordered list: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [
  • Unordered list: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ]
  • Header 1: Ctrl/Cmd + 1
  • Header 2: Ctrl/Cmd + 2

Memorizing these key combinations allows for faster markdown editing without having to use the mouse for styling.

VSCode Markdown Preview Shortcut

To open a preview of the rendered markdown document in Visual Studio Code, use the shortcut:

  • Markdown preview toggle: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V

This is helpful for seeing how the markdown formats before exporting it out of VS Code.

When working with long markdown files, these shortcuts are useful:

  • Fold current section: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [
  • Unfold current section: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ]
  • Fold all sections: Ctrl/Cmd + K Ctrl/Cmd + 0
  • Unfold all sections: Ctrl/Cmd + K Ctrl/Cmd + J
  • Go to next section: Ctrl/Cmd + ]
  • Go to previous section: Ctrl/Cmd + [

The folding shortcuts help collapse parts of the document not currently being edited for better focus.

In summary, VS Code offers many handy keyboard shortcuts for efficiently editing markdown. Learning the most common combinations for formatting, navigation, and previewing can aid productivity when writing markdown documents.

Advanced Markdown Features and Commands

Markdown is a versatile formatting syntax that offers advanced capabilities beyond basic text styling. Visual Studio Code provides robust support for enhanced markdown functionality through its extensions, settings, and built-in features.

Markdown Code Block Enhancements

Code blocks allow displaying source code snippets with syntax highlighting. In VS Code, press Ctrl+Shift+P and type "Change Language Mode" to set the language for a markdown code block. Popular choices include:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • C++
  • Java
  • JSON

To insert a code block, type ``` and press Enter. Specify the language next to the initial triple backticks:

  "name": "John",
  "age": 30 

This renders the block with JSON syntax highlighting.

Markdown Preview GitHub Styling

The Markdown Preview GitHub Styling extension styles markdown files to match GitHub's markdown rendering. This helps preview documents as they would appear in GitHub repositories.

To enable, install the Markdown Preview GitHub Styling extension.

Markdown Preview Mermaid Support

Mermaid lets you generate diagrams and charts from text-based syntax. The Markdown Preview Mermaid Support extension adds Mermaid to VS Code's markdown preview.

For example, this Mermaid syntax in a code block:

graph TD;

Renders a flowchart diagram in the preview:

Working with the markdown-it Plugin

VS Code uses the markdown-it library to render markdown. The markdown-it plugin lets you customize markdown processing.

For example, to enable GFM strikethrough syntax with ~~, add this to settings.json:

"markdown.markdownItPlugins": [
  {"markdown-it-strikethrough-alt": {} }

Now strikethrough will work in VS Code's markdown preview.

Enhancing Markdown Workflow with Extensions

Extensions are a great way to enhance your markdown workflow in Visual Studio Code. Here are some of the best extensions for working with markdown:

Best Markdown Extension for VSCode

The Markdown All in One extension packs a ton of useful markdown features. It includes a markdown preview, keyboard shortcuts, auto completions, and more. With over 5 million downloads, it's one of the most popular VSCode extensions for markdown.

Other top extensions include:

Automating Tasks with Markdown Extensions

Extensions can help automate repetitive markdown tasks:

  • Markdown Table Prettifier formats markdown tables automatically
  • Markdown Link Checker validates all links in a markdown file
  • Markdown TOC generates a table of contents

This saves time and avoids mistakes from manual work.

Markdown Viewer VSCode Enhancements

Viewer extensions add handy options for previewing markdown:

  • Custom CSS themes
  • Export HTML
  • Print to PDF
  • Presentation mode
  • Table of contents

For example, Markdown Preview Enhanced offers all of these features and more for enhancing markdown previews.

Copy Markdown as HTML

To copy markdown text formatted as HTML, use the Paste as HTML extension.

It adds options to:

  • Copy selected markdown as HTML
  • Paste HTML text as markdown

This makes it easy to integrate markdown with other applications.

With the right extensions, you can streamline markdown workflows in Visual Studio Code. Automate repetitive tasks, enhance previews, and integrate markdown with other formats.

Troubleshooting Common Markdown Issues

Markdown is a popular lightweight markup language used by writers, developers, and content creators to format text documents. However, users can run into problems when working with Markdown files in Visual Studio Code. Here are some tips for troubleshooting common Markdown issues in VS Code.

Resolving Markdown Rendering Problems

If your Markdown content is not rendering correctly in the VS Code preview, there are a few things you can try:

  • Check that you have the Markdown All in One extension installed and enabled. This provides Markdown rendering and useful tools for working with Markdown files.
  • Verify that your VS Code settings are configured properly for Markdown. For example, ensure the editor.wordWrap setting is enabled.
  • Try restarting VS Code to reset any temporary glitches that may be preventing proper Markdown rendering.
  • Ensure your Markdown syntax is valid. Problems like unclosed brackets or invalid indentation can prevent Markdown from rendering properly. Use the Markdown linting tools in VS Code to catch these errors.

If the preview still doesn't show properly, you may need to investigate conflicts with other extensions.

Debugging Markdown Extension Conflicts

If you have multiple Markdown extensions installed in VS Code, they may sometimes conflict with each other causing rendering issues. Here is how to debug problems caused by extension conflicts:

  • Try disabling all extensions except one Markdown extension at a time. Check if the Markdown preview works properly with each extension individually.
  • If a single extension works, begin enabling other extensions one by one to identify potential conflicts.
  • Check the release notes for updates to your Markdown extensions that could resolve conflicts.
  • Report any persistent extension issues to the extension developer via GitHub.

As a workaround, you can also try using the built-in Markdown preview in VS Code rather than an extension.

Optimizing Markdown Performance

Sluggish Markdown rendering can make it difficult to efficiently write and preview your work. Try these optimization tips:

  • Limit the use of deeply nested Markdown formatting as this can bog down the parser and preview.
  • Install extensions that utilize caching to improve performance like Markdown Preview Github Styling.
  • Adjust VS Code settings to disable automatic preview refreshing which can slow things down.
  • For very large Markdown documents, use an external Markdown processor for rendering.

Maintaining Markdown File Consistency

When collaborating on Markdown documents across different platforms, inconsistencies in how Markdown is interpreted can lead to formatting issues. To improve consistency:

  • Stick to standard Markdown syntax and avoid platform-specific formats when possible.
  • Define a style guide for your team covering areas like headings, lists, links, etc.
  • Use tools like markdownlint to automatically check for formatting inconsistencies.
  • Render the final output to confirm consistency across web, mobile, pdfs, etc.

With a few troubleshooting tips, you can resolve common issues that arise when working with Markdown in Visual Studio Code. Focusing on proper Markdown syntax, resolving extension conflicts, optimizing performance, and maintaining consistency will lead to smooth Markdown authoring.

Conclusion: Mastering Markdown in Visual Studio Code

Markdown is a versatile markup language that can enhance productivity for many writers, developers, and content creators. Visual Studio Code offers robust Markdown support through shortcuts, commands, and extensions that streamline editing workflows.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl/Cmd + B for bold, Ctrl/Cmd + I for italics and Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V to preview Markdown to accelerate formatting.
  • Install extensions like Markdown All in One and Markdown Preview Enhanced for added functionality.
  • Enable word wrap, add a ruler, and leverage other editor settings to customize the writing experience.
  • Take advantage of handy commands like "Format Document" and "Print current document to HTML" when working with Markdown files.

Learning the available options for Markdown in VS Code can lead to faster, streamlined workflows for creating documentation, notes, articles, and more. The program's flexibility supports diverse use cases across many industries. With some practice, you can become an efficient Markdown editor in Visual Studio Code.