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  • Understanding Markdown
  • Prerequisites
  • Comprehensive Guide to Markdown Shortcuts

    Markdown Shortcuts for Faster Writing

    Looking to speed up your writing with Markdown? Here's a quick guide to essential shortcuts that will boost your efficiency:

    • Bold with **text** or __text__

    • Italics with *text* or _text_

    • Create headings using # for H1, ## for H2, up to ###### for H6

    • Bullet lists start with - or *

    • Numbered lists start with 1.

    • Block quotes with >

    • Code blocks with ```

    • Inline code with `text`

    • Links [text](url)

    And if you're using Visual Studio Code, here are some handy VS Code-specific shortcuts:

    • Preview Markdown with Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V

    • Open files quickly with Ctrl/Cmd + P

    • Access more options with Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P

    • Complete snippets with Tab

    Customizing your own shortcuts in VS Code and other Markdown editors can further streamline your workflow. Dive into this guide to discover how Markdown shortcuts can make your writing process faster and more focused, letting you stay on the keyboard and off the mouse.

    Understanding Markdown

    Markdown is a way to style your writing on the internet using simple shortcuts. It was made by John Gruber in 2004 to help people write on the web without needing to learn complex coding languages like HTML or CSS. Since its creation, Markdown has become very popular, especially with people who write code or technical documents.

    Some key benefits of using Markdown include:

    • Simplicity - Its symbols are straightforward to use. For example, you can make text bold or create headings just by adding asterisks or hash symbols around your text.

    • Readability - Markdown helps make your writing clean and focused on the content rather than the formatting, making it easier to read.

    • Portability - You can open and edit Markdown files on almost any device or operating system without needing specific software.

    • Conversion - You can easily change your Markdown text into other formats like HTML and PDF, keeping all the formatting when you share or publish your work.

    • Ubiquity - Markdown is supported almost everywhere that involves writing or coding. Many websites, apps, and tools let you use Markdown, either on its own or with the help of extensions.

    You'll often see Markdown used in:

    • GitHub README files and wikis

    • Technical documentation

    • Project notes

    • Forum posts

    • Blog posts and articles

    • Messaging apps

    • Note-taking apps

    Learning the basics of Markdown can make writing and formatting much simpler for everyday tasks. And if you get really good at using Markdown shortcuts, you can save even more time, making your work on projects, whether it's coding, technical writing, or content creation, more efficient. Knowing these shortcuts can be a big boost to your productivity, especially when using tools like VS Code with extensions like Markdown Snippets, Markdown Live Preview, and others that help with Tab Triggers, Snippets, Automatic Indenting, and Font Ligatures.



    Before you dive into using Markdown shortcuts to speed up your writing, you'll need a few things set up:

    • A program where you can write that knows Markdown. Some good choices are:

      • Visual Studio Code - A free program that's really good for Markdown.

      • Typora - A simple app for writing and reading Markdown.

      • iA Writer - A straightforward app for Markdown writing.

      • Basic text editors like Notepad or TextEdit work too.

    • A basic understanding of how Markdown works. This means knowing how to make text bold, italic, create headings, lists, and so on.

    • A keyboard that lets you easily use symbols. Many Markdown shortcuts need symbols like asterisks (*), underscores (_), and backticks (`).

    • Optional: Markdown tools and custom setups. VS Code has cool tools like the Markdown Shortcuts and Markdown All in One to make writing even easier.

    If you've got a program that works with Markdown, know the basic ways to format with Markdown, and have a keyboard for symbols, you're all set to start using shortcuts. Adding tools can give you even more shortcuts, ways to see your work in real time, and customization options to make writing smoother. But, just the basics are enough to get going.

    With these essentials, you can start using Markdown shortcuts to write more quickly and with less effort. These shortcuts let you keep your hands on the keyboard to format your writing without stopping to use the mouse or click through menus. This can save you a lot of time compared to doing it all by hand.

    Comprehensive Guide to Markdown Shortcuts

    Full Block Commands

    To make your document look neat without much hassle, you can use these simple keyboard shortcuts. They help you create headings, lists, quotes, and more without clicking around.

    Here are some shortcuts that are super handy:

    • # - This makes the biggest heading.

    • ## - For a slightly smaller heading.

    • ### - Even smaller heading, and you can keep adding more # for up to six levels.

    • - - This starts a bullet list.

    • 1. - Begins a numbered list.

    • > - This makes a quote block.

    • --- - Adds a line across the page.

    • ``` - Use this to start and end a section where you want to show code.

    For example:


    My Main Heading

    My Subheading

    • First list item
    • Second list item

    > This is a block quote

    npm install markdown-shortcuts
    By remembering these, you can format your document quickly without needing to stop typing.
    ### Inline Commands
    These shortcuts let you style text within your paragraphs easily.
    Here are some you'll find useful:
    - `**text**` - Makes text bold.
    - `*text*` - Turns text into italics.
    - `~~text~~` - Puts a line through the text.
    - `[text](url)` - Turns text into a link.
    - `` `text` `` - Changes text to look like code.
    For example:
    This paragraph has **bold**, *italics*, ~~strikethrough~~, [a link](, and `inline code`.
    Using these regularly can make adding small details to your text a breeze.
    ### Visual Studio Code Shortcuts
    VS Code has its own shortcuts that make working with Markdown even smoother. They help you do things like see a preview of your document, find files quickly, and insert snippets.
    Some shortcuts you'll want to know are:
    - `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V` - Shows or hides the Markdown preview.
    - `Ctrl/Cmd + P` - Lets you quickly open files.
    - `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P` - Brings up a menu with more options.
    - `Tab` - Completes a snippet after you start it.
    Adding extensions like [Markdown Shortcuts]( and [Markdown All in One]( can give you even more tools.
    ### Advanced Markdown Editing Techniques
    To get really fast at using Markdown, try these tips:
    - Mix different types of formatting without stopping to change tools.
    - Use shortcuts like `Ctrl + Arrow Keys` to move around your document quickly.
    - Make your own snippets for things you type often.
    Practicing these tricks can help you work faster and more efficiently, boosting your productivity whether you're doing technical writing, content creation, or coding.
    ## Customizing Shortcuts
    Making your own keyboard shortcuts in your Markdown editor can really speed things up. This means you can choose which keys do what, making it faster to do things you do a lot, like making text bold or adding lists.
    ### Customizing Shortcuts in Visual Studio Code
    VS Code lets you change shortcuts easily. Here's how to do it:
    - Use `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P` to open the **Command Palette**
    - Look for **Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts**
    - Search for the command you want to change
    - Click the pencil icon to edit the key binding
    - Type the new shortcut you want
    - Don't forget to save the `keybindings.json` file
    For instance, you might:
    - Use `Ctrl/Cmd + B` to make text bold without typing `** **`
    - Use `Alt + I` for italics with `* *`
    - Set `Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L` to start a bullet list
    Go through the commands and pick the ones you use a lot for easy shortcuts.
    ### Customization in Other Markdown Editors
    Other Markdown editors also let you change shortcuts:
    - **Typora** - Go to Preferences &gt; Shortcuts Customization
    - **iA Writer** - Find in Preferences &gt; Key Bindings
    - **Zettlr** - Go to Preferences &gt; Shortcuts
    - **Notable** - Click the Gear icon &gt; Keyboard Shortcuts
    Each editor has its own way, so check how to do it in yours.
    ### Recommended Custom Shortcuts
    Here are some shortcuts you might find helpful:
    - Quick formatting like bold or italics
    - Adding links, images, lists
    - Opening side views for live previews
    - Switching between editing and preview
    - Using templates for common Markdown formats
    Set up shortcuts for things you do often to make writing easier.
    ### Tips for Productive Customization
    Keep these ideas in mind when making shortcuts:
    - **Pick easy-to-remember combinations**. Like `Ctrl/Cmd + B` for bold.
    - **Try to be consistent** with shortcuts across different apps.
    - **Make a cheat sheet** until you remember them.
    - **Don't mess with** shortcuts your computer or browser already uses.
    - **Check for conflicts** with current shortcuts before making new ones.
    - **Save your shortcut settings** somewhere safe in case you need them again.
    Taking the time to tailor your Markdown editor can really help you work faster and keep your focus on writing, not formatting.
    ## Conclusion
    Using Markdown shortcuts can really speed up how fast you write and make things more efficient when you're working on documents. By getting the hang of keyboard shortcuts for formatting, you can stay focused on typing and not have to keep switching between your mouse and keyboard.
    **Here's why Markdown shortcuts are great:**
    - **Quick formatting** - With keyboard shortcuts, you can make text bold (`** **`) or italic (`* *`) super fast, without needing to click around.
    - **Better productivity** - Shortcuts mean you can write more and spend less time making your text look a certain way. This is especially helpful for people writing technical stuff or creating content.
    - **Easy to use** - You can format your text quickly using just your keyboard, no mouse needed.
    - **Make it your own** - You can set up shortcuts in VS Code and other editors just the way you like, making things you do a lot even quicker.
    - **Use anywhere** - You can use the same shortcuts across different Markdown editors and gadgets.
    - **Stay focused** - With shortcuts taking care of the formatting, you can concentrate on your writing.
    Getting to know all the Markdown shortcuts might seem like a lot at first. Begin with the basics like making text bold, italic, and adding headings. Then, as you get more comfortable, start using more. Getting used to the most common shortcuts will make your writing much quicker.
    Keep a list of shortcuts handy until you don't need to think about them anymore. And if you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, set up a shortcut for it in your editor. Creating the perfect setup for writing can really help you get more done with less effort.
    Now that shortcuts are part of how you write, working with Markdown will be a lot smoother and more focused. Use these time-saving tricks to quickly work on technical docs, project READMEs, blog posts, and any other Markdown content. The less time you spend on formatting, the more you can focus on writing really good stuff.
    ## Related Questions
    ### What does Ctrl +W do?
    Ctrl+W is a shortcut on your keyboard that helps you quickly close whatever you're working on, like a tab in your internet browser or a document in your text editor. It's like a fast way to clean up your screen without having to find and click the little 'x' button.
    ### What does Ctrl +N do?
    Ctrl+N is another keyboard shortcut that lets you quickly start something new. Whether you're browsing the web and want to open a new window, writing and need a fresh page, or managing files and want a new window, this shortcut gets you there without digging through menus.
    ### What is the shortcut key for markdown?
    For those who write a lot using Markdown, here are some shortcuts that can make your work faster:
    - **Bold** - Ctrl/Cmd+B
    - *Italics* - Ctrl/Cmd+I
    - Headings - Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+6
    - `Code` - Ctrl+Shift+C
    - &gt; Blockquote - Ctrl+Shift+Q
    - - Bullet List - Ctrl+Shift+U
    - 1. Numbered List - Ctrl+Shift+O
    - [Link]( - Ctrl+Shift+L
    These shortcuts are handy in many Markdown editors, helping you format your writing quickly.
    ### What are the 20 shortcut keys A to Z?
    Here's a list from A to Z of 20 common shortcut keys that cover a lot of what you might need to do on your computer:
    **A** - Select all
    **B** - Bold
    **C** - Copy
    **D** - Font
    **E** - Align center
    **F** - Find
    **G** - Find next
    **H** - Replace
    **I** - Italics
    **J** - Justify align
    **K** - Insert link
    **L** - Align left
    **M** - Indent more
    **N** - New document
    **O** - Open document
    **P** - Print document
    **Q** - Undo
    **R** - Redo
    **S** - Save
    **T** - Create table
    **U** - Underline
    These shortcuts can save you a lot of time, whether you're writing, organizing files, or just browsing the web.