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Markdown Technical Writing Tools Overview


  • Introduction to Markdown Technical Writing
  • Do technical writers use Markdown?
  • What are examples of Markdown?
  • What does writing in Markdown mean?
  • What is Markdown in documentation?
  • Choosing the Right Markdown Editor
  • Online Markdown Editors and Collaboration
  • Markdown Cheat Sheets and Learning Resources
  • Markdown for Documentation and Publishing
  • Advanced Markdown Tools for Technical Writers
  • Conclusion: Streamlining Technical Writing with Markdown

    Markdown Technical Writing Tools Overview

    Most technical writers would agree that streamlining the writing process is critical for productivity.

    The good news is there are excellent Markdown editors and tools available that can dramatically improve workflow and efficiency when writing technical documentation.

    In this comprehensive overview, we'll explore the top Markdown editors and online tools for technical writers, comparing the key features and capabilities that allow you to write, collaborate, and publish technical content with ease.

    Introduction to Markdown Technical Writing

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language that has grown in popularity for technical writing over the past decade. With its simple syntax that is easily converted to HTML, markdown provides an efficient way to write and format documents. This article will provide a brief background on markdown and its advantages for streamlining workflow, before comparing some of the most useful markdown editors and tools available.

    Understanding the Markdown Language

    Markdown is a plain text formatting language created by John Gruber in 2004. It uses simple syntax to format plain text documents, which can then easily be converted to structurally valid HTML. Some of the basic markdown syntax elements include:

    • Headers - designated using # symbols
    • Emphasis - bold (**text**) and italic (*text*)
    • Lists - ordered and unordered
    • Links
    • Images
    • Blockquotes
    • Code blocks and inline code

    The simplicity of markdown has made it popular for technical documentation and writing. It is now widely used and supported across platforms and tools.

    Advantages of Using Markdown to Streamline Writing Process

    There are several key advantages of using markdown for technical writing and documentation:

    • Plain text format - Since markdown is just plain text, the files remain lightweight and portable across operating systems. This also makes version control easy when using systems like GitHub.

    • Easy to read and write - Markdown syntax is intuitive, with just a few symbols needed to format documents. This simplifies and streamlines writing.

    • Easily converted to HTML - Properly formatted markdown can be easily converted to HTML using various tools and platforms. This makes publishing and hosting documents for the web simple.

    • Compatible with major platforms - Most popular code hosting platforms like GitHub have native support for markdown. This provides seamless integration into developer workflows.

    Exploring the Markdown Editors and Tools Landscape

    With markdown's rise in popularity, many excellent editors and tools are now available to enhance the writing process. The rest of this article will focus on compiling and comparing some of the top markdown editors, previewers, and export tools available. The goal is to highlight the best options to streamline markdown-based technical writing workflows.

    Do technical writers use Markdown?

    Markdown is commonly used by technical writers to author documentation. Here are some of the key reasons why:

    Ease of Use

    Markdown has a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy to read and write. Technical writers appreciate being able to focus on the content itself rather than complex formatting.

    Plain Text Format

    Markdown files have a .md extension and are saved as plain text. This makes Markdown lightweight and portable across operating systems. Markdown files can be easily shared, tracked in version control systems like Git, and integrated with many applications.

    Output Flexibility

    While Markdown files are saved in plain text format, they can be exported to HTML, PDF, and other formats. Technical writers can write in Markdown and then convert their documents to polished outputs for publication.

    Open Standard

    Markdown is an open standard that has been widely adopted. Technical writers using Markdown can collaborate with developers, engineers, and others who are familiar with the format. There are also many Markdown editors and tools available.

    Additional Features

    Markdown supports additional features like tables, syntax highlighting for code blocks, footnotes, and more. These features are helpful for technical documentation covering software, APIs, programming languages and frameworks.

    In summary, Markdown provides an intuitive authoring environment and facilitates collaboration while retaining output flexibility. These characteristics make Markdown well-suited for technical writing use cases.

    What are examples of Markdown?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using simple syntax. Here are some common examples of Markdown syntax:


    This shows the Markdown element name.

    Markdown Syntax

    This shows the actual Markdown formatting syntax.


    The world is flat.

    Task List

    • [x] Write the press release
    • [ ] Update the website
    • [ ] Contact the media


    That is so funny! :joy:


    I need to highlight these ==very important words==.

    As you can see, Markdown allows you to format text in a fast and simple way without having to use cumbersome rich text editors. The syntax is designed to be readable and easy to type. Some of the most used formatting includes headings, bold/italic text, links, lists, code blocks, images, and more.

    With Markdown, you don't have to take your hands off the keyboard and grab the mouse to style text. This helps you focus on writing rather than formatting. Markdown is commonly used for technical documentation, readme files, forum posts, work collaboration in tools like GitHub or GitLab, and blogging platforms.

    What does writing in Markdown mean?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to write using plain text and have it converted to structurally valid HTML. Here are some of the key things to know about writing in Markdown:


    • Markdown uses simple syntax elements like headers, lists, links, images, etc. that don't require learning complex HTML tags or code. This makes it fast and easy to get started with.
    • The plaintext nature means you can write Markdown documents in any text editor. No specialized software is needed.


    • Markdown formatting is designed to improve readability and cleanliness of the written source file. The plaintext files avoid visual clutter.
    • Markdown documents have an easy-to-read appearance when exported to HTML or PDF, enhancing readability for end users as well.


    • Markdown files work across all devices and operating systems since it's just plaintext. You're not tied to any proprietary formats.
    • Markdown is future-proof. If the exporting software becomes outdated, the Markdown source files will still be readable as plaintext.

    In summary, writing in Markdown means creating highly readable, portable and simplified content using a lightweight set of formatting elements applied to plain text files. The biggest benefit is enhanced writing productivity given Markdown's simplicity when compared to HTML editors or word processors.

    What is Markdown in documentation?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language commonly used for writing documentation. Here are some of the key benefits of using Markdown:


    Markdown has a simple and easy-to-read syntax that allows writers to format documents without having to worry about complex markup languages. Writers can focus on the content instead of the code.


    The plaintext format of Markdown files makes documents easy to read and edit even before being converted to HTML or other formats. The formatted HTML output is also clean and readable.


    Markdown files can be opened on virtually any device or operating system. The plaintext files can be easily shared, opened, and edited on different platforms without compatibility issues.


    Markdown files can be easily converted to many formats like HTML, PDF, EPUB, etc. using Markdown converters. This makes content reusable across different mediums.

    Many popular writing apps and services like Visual Studio Code, GitHub, GitLab, and more have built-in Markdown support. Writers can seamlessly integrate Markdown into their workflows.

    In summary, Markdown simplifies formatting while keeping content easy to write, read, share and reuse across contexts. These capabilities make Markdown a top choice for technical writing and documentation.


    Choosing the Right Markdown Editor

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows writers to format text documents using simple syntax. Choosing a good markdown editor can greatly improve writing workflows for technical writers, software developers, and content creators. When evaluating markdown editors, some key features to consider include:

    Visual Studio Code: A Versatile Text Editor for Markdown

    Visual Studio Code has become one of the most popular markdown editors due to its versatility. Key benefits as a markdown editor include:

    • Built-in markdown preview to visualize formatting as you type
    • Extensive library of markdown extensions for added functionality
    • Tight integration with GitHub for seamless markdown collaboration
    • Customizable interface with support for themes and keybindings
    • Available across operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux)

    With robust markdown support and easy customization, Visual Studio Code is a top choice for those writing technical documentation or publishing markdown on the web.

    MacDown: The Markdown Editor for Mac Users

    MacDown prioritizes native macOS design conventions for a seamless user experience. As a dedicated macOS markdown editor, key features include:

    • Support for GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) and MultiMarkdown syntax
    • Live preview with automatic scrolling sync
    • Customizable themes and CSS styles
    • HTML and PDF export options
    • LaTeX math expressions via MathJax

    For those working within the Apple ecosystem, MacDown offers a polished markdown writing environment tailored specifically for macOS.

    iA Writer: A Minimalist Approach to Markdown Editing

    As a lightweight markdown writing app, iA Writer focuses on simplicity and distraction-free writing. Noteworthy features include:

    • Minimalist full-screen editing interface
    • Focus mode to isolate current sentence during writing
    • Auto-save and offline capabilities
    • File management and organization tools
    • Cross-platform availability (macOS, iOS, Android)

    Writers looking for a basic markdown writing experience can benefit from iA Writer's emphasis on concentration support and simplified formatting tools.

    Evaluating one's specific OS needs, desired functionality, and workflow priorities is key to determining the ideal markdown editor. The options highlighted here represent some of the top markdown tools for improving technical writing efficiency.

    Online Markdown Editors and Collaboration

    Markdown editors and online collaboration platforms provide useful tools for streamlining the markdown writing process. By working with markdown files in the cloud, writers can take advantage of features like real-time previews, version history, and team editing.

    StackEdit: A Comprehensive Online Markdown Tool

    StackEdit offers a full-featured markdown editor accessible through any web browser. Key features include:

    • Real-time preview with support for GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)
    • File management with access to Google Drive, Dropbox, GitHub, and OneDrive
    • Markdown extensions for tables, code blocks, LaTeX math, and more
    • Collaboration tools like comments, suggestions, and authorship tracking
    • Customizable themes and editor layouts
    • Export to HTML and PDF format

    With its extensive toolbox and cloud sync, StackEdit aims to provide a centralized platform for managing markdown projects. The editor simplifies working with markdown syntax and formatting elements. Features like document history and permissions also facilitate team collaboration.

    Dillinger: Streamlining Markdown Editing in the Cloud

    As a browser-based markdown service, Dillinger focuses on fast editing and cloud storage integration. Core features include:

    • Live preview with support for GitHub Flavored Markdown
    • Built-in persistence using Local Storage and Dropbox sync
    • Markdown syntax highlighting and shortcuts
    • Export files to HTML or PDF format
    • Customizable editor themes and fonts
    • Option for distraction-free writing

    Dillinger offers a stripped-down editing interface optimized for markdown. With fewer menus and options compared to StackEdit, its simplicity can benefit writers seeking a fast and intuitive workflow. Easy access to cloud storage also streamlines managing markdown documents.

    Markdown Here: Simplifying Markdown Conversion Online

    Unlike full markdown editors, Markdown Here provides a simple way to convert markdown to HTML from any web form or email application. As a browser extension and web app, core features revolve around:

    • One-click markdown conversion for popular web services
    • Support for basic markdown formatting elements
    • Custom CSS styling options
    • HTML paste to strip formatting
    • Browser extension availability for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more

    For those needing an easy markdown conversion tool without advanced editing features, Markdown Here delivers with its minimalist approach. The lightweight nature and broad format support also make it suitable for quick markdown previews without leaving your email, document, or blogging platform.

    Markdown Cheat Sheets and Learning Resources

    Markdown cheat sheets provide quick references for learning and mastering markdown syntax. As markdown continues to grow in popularity, especially among technical writers and developers, cheat sheets have become an essential resource.

    Leveraging GitHub Markdown Cheat Sheets

    GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) extends basic markdown syntax with additional capabilities optimized for hosting documentation alongside code repositories on GitHub. Their Markdown cheat sheet includes examples of GitHub-specific syntax for task lists, tables, code blocks and more. Whether you're new to markdown or looking for a GitHub markdown reference, their cheat sheet is an invaluable asset.

    Other popular GitHub markdown guides include:

    Awesome Markdown: A Curated List of Resources

    Awesome Markdown is a curated list of markdown tools, libraries, resources and more. It covers everything from basic syntax guides to browser plugins, desktop editors, static site generators, and beyond.

    For those looking to truly master markdown across implementations, Awesome Markdown serves as an extensive catalog of information sources. It's community-driven with over 18,000 stars on GitHub, ensuring it stays up-to-date as the markdown ecosystem continues to evolve.

    Markdown Tables Generator: Simplifying Table Creation

    While markdown's simplicity can make formatting documents quick and easy, some syntax elements like tables can be tedious. Tools like Markdown Tables Generator simplify the process by providing a graphical interface for building markdown tables.

    Rather than memorizing table syntax, you can visually construct column and row structures. It even supports features like text alignment, merged cells, and adding/removing rows and columns on the fly. The interface then outputs valid markdown table code ready to copy/paste into your document. For those struggling to create complex markdown tables by hand, generators like this are invaluable.

    Markdown for Documentation and Publishing

    Markdown is a popular lightweight markup language used for writing and formatting content. Its simple syntax allows writers to create well-structured documents that can be easily shared and published online. Here are some great tools and platforms that support publishing Markdown content:

    GitHub Pages and Jekyll: Hosting Markdown Content

    GitHub Pages offers free hosting for static websites and documentation built with Jekyll, a static site generator designed for Markdown content. Some key benefits:

    • Seamlessly integrate with your GitHub repositories to auto-publish updates
    • Customizable themes and layouts using Liquid templating
    • Supports Markdown files and extensions like YAML front matter
    • Great for hosting open source documentation, project blogs, etc.

    For writers managing documentation in Markdown, GitHub Pages + Jekyll provides an automated pipeline to keep content updated.

    Read the Docs and MkDocs: Streamlined Documentation

    Read the Docs is a popular documentation hosting platform that natively supports MkDocs, a fast and simple static site generator tailored for project documentation.

    Benefits include:

    • Auto-updates docs on code changes through GitHub/GitLab integration
    • Customizable themes and search functionality
    • Supports Markdown out of the box with MkDocs
    • Versioning capabilities to manage documentation history
    • Ideal for developer/engineering documentation

    Together, Read the Docs and MkDocs simplify building, managing, and distributing Markdown-based documentation at scale.

    Docusaurus and VuePress: Modern Static Site Generators

    For more advanced use cases, Docusaurus and VuePress are open-source static site generators with modern web capabilities:

    • Extend Markdown with custom components/themes
    • Interface Markdown content with databases and other data sources
    • Integrate interactive elements without JavaScript fatigue
    • Offer optimized performance and SEO-friendly output
    • Community-driven platforms with abundant plugin ecosystem

    They excel at developing complex, content-centric websites powered by Markdown and other data sources.

    Advanced Markdown Tools for Technical Writers

    Technical writers often have specialized needs when working with markdown documents. Advanced tools like Marked 2, pandoc, and Remark can streamline workflows and enhance markdown versatility.

    Marked 2: A Powerful Markdown Previewer

    Marked 2 provides a robust markdown previewing experience on Mac, allowing technical writers to visualize documents as they edit. Key features include:

    • Live preview updates as you type
    • Custom CSS styling options
    • Export to HTML and PDF
    • Syntax highlighting for code blocks
    • Mathematical typesetting with LaTeX
    • Media embedding

    With instant previewing and output flexibility, Marked 2 enables efficient iteration for technical writing projects. The customization options help adapt markdown content for professional publishing needs.

    Pandoc: The Universal Document Converter

    Pandoc is an open-source command-line tool for converting documents between various formats, including markdown. For technical writers, Pandoc unlocks additional versatility from markdown source documents.

    Key features include:

    • Bidirectional conversion between markdown and formats like DOCX, HTML, LaTeX, PDF
    • Support for extended markdown syntax elements like footnotes, citations, tables, etc.
    • Template engine to customize output styling
    • Modular filters for advanced conversion logic

    By leveraging Pandoc, technical writers gain tremendous flexibility in repurposing markdown content for multiple professional publishing uses.

    Typesetting Markdown with Remark and Marp

    Tools like Remark and Marp provide robust markdown typesetting capabilities to create presentations, slides, and documents.

    Features include:

    • Markdown-based slideshow formatting
    • Themes and styling templates
    • Built-in presentation mode with speaker notes
    • Export to PDF and PowerPoint formats
    • Math typesetting with LaTeX and MathML

    For technical writers developing tutorials, guides, or collateral, these tools simplify building professional, polished documents directly from markdown sources without extensive manual formatting.

    Conclusion: Streamlining Technical Writing with Markdown

    Markdown is an invaluable tool for technical writers. Its simple syntax allows writers to format documents quickly without having to worry about complex formatting issues. When combined with the array of editors and converters available, markdown can greatly improve workflow efficiency.

    Key Takeaways on Markdown Technical Writing Tools

    • Markdown editors like Visual Studio Code, iA Writer, and Markdown Monster provide useful formatting tools and previews for writing markdown documents. Features like syntax highlighting and preview panes streamline the editing process.

    • Tools like the Markdown Tables Generator simplify creating properly formatted markdown tables, saving significant time over manual formatting.

    • Markdown conversion tools like pandoc allow seamless conversion to other formats like HTML and PDF for publishing completed documents. This prevents writers from having to manually reformat content.

    • Static site generators like Jekyll and MkDocs build full websites from markdown content. This enables collaborative editing and sites with great SEO value.

    Final Recommendations Based on Writing Needs

    For collaborative technical writing projects, Jekyll with GitHub Pages provides version control and easy multi-user editing. Solo writers who need to export PDFs will benefit most from VS Code + pandoc. Those focused on polished previews as they write should use iA Writer or Markdown Monster.

    Looking Ahead: The Evolution of Markdown in Technical Writing

    Expanded IDE integrations, new converters to additional formats like ePub, and advances in static site generators will further improve markdown's capabilities for streamlining technical writing. As it continues maturing as a ubiquitous standard, expect markdown's popularity for technical communication to grow exponentially. Writers who adopt markdown early will have a major efficiency advantage.