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Markdown Guide for Slack


Short version

Slack supports some Markdown features for formatting messages. Here are the essentials:

  • Bold: *text*
  • Italic: _text_
  • Strikethrough: ~text~
  • Code Block: ```code```
  • Blockquote: > text

Long version


Using Markdown in Slack helps to keep messages organized and visually appealing. Below, you can find various formatting options:

1. Text Formatting

  • Bold Text: To make a word or phrase bold, enclose it with asterisks:

    *bold text*
  • Italic Text: To italicize text, use underscores:

    _italicized text_
  • Strikethrough: Create a strikethrough effect by enclosing the text with tildes:


2. Code and Quotes

  • Code Block: For a block of code, use triple backticks:

    code example
  • Blockquotes: To quote someone, start a line with a greater than sign:

    > This is a quote from another user.


Practicing these Markdown features in Slack can improve the clarity and professionalism of your messages.