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Markdown Guide for Discord


Short version

Discord uses Markdown for text formatting. Here are the basic commands:

  • Bold: **text** or __text__
  • Italic: *text* or _text_
  • Strikethrough: ~~text~~
  • Inline Code: `code`
  • Code Block: ```code```
  • Quotes: > text

Long version


Markdown is used in Discord to format messages and add clarity. This guide will cover the essential formatting features available.

1. Basic Formatting

  • Bold Text: To make text bold, use double asterisks or underscores:

    **This text is bold**
    __This is also bold__
  • Italic Text: For italic text, use single asterisks or underscores:

    *This text is italicized*
    _This is also italicized_
  • Strikethrough: To strike text out, use double tildes:

    ~~This text is struck through~~

2. Code Formatting

  • Inline Code: Enclose code in single backticks:

    `code here`
  • Code Blocks: For blocks of code, use triple backticks:

    code here

3. Blockquotes and Lists

  • Quotes: Use the greater than symbol to create a blockquote:

    > This is a quote.
  • Bulleted Lists: Use asterisks, pluses, or hyphens:

    • Item 1
    • Item 2


Using these Markdown features can enhance your communication in Discord by making your messages clearer and more visually appealing.