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Markdown for Documentation: Formatting Essentials


  • Introduction to Markdown for Documentation
  • Why use Markdown for documentation?
  • Is Markdown good for note taking?
  • What is a Markdown in a document?
  • How do you write technical documentation in Markdown?
  • Getting Started with Markdown Formatting
  • Enhancing Documentation with Advanced Markdown Features
  • Markdown Editor Choices and Integration with Development Workflows
  • Leveraging Markdown for Documentation on Various Platforms
  • Conclusion and Next Steps

    Markdown for Documentation: Formatting Essentials

    Most technical writers would agree:

    Formatting documentation for maximum readability and professionalism is challenging.

    Fortunately, Markdown provides a simple yet powerful system to enhance the clarity and polish of docs for developers and end users alike.

    In this post, you'll discover essential Markdown techniques to transform scattered notes into world-class technical documentation.

    We'll cover Markdown's core syntax for basic formatting, then level up with tables, tabs, diagrams, and more. You'll also learn best practices for documentation workflows leveraging GitHub, MkDocs, and other popular platforms.

    Introduction to Markdown for Documentation

    What is Markdown?

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language used to format plain text documents. It uses simple, human-readable syntax to apply basic text formatting elements like headings, lists, links, images, code blocks, and more. Some key benefits of using Markdown include:

    • Improved readability and workflows - Markdown formats text documents to be easily readable in source format while also being easily converted to HTML, PDF, or other publishing formats. This improves workflows for technical writers.
    • Ease of editing - The simple syntax makes markdown documents easy to edit using any plain text editor. There's no need for heavy word processing software.
    • Portability - Markdown documents can be opened on virtually any device through simple text editors. The documents can also be easily shared or version controlled.
    • Seamless GitHub integration - Markdown integrates seamlessly with GitHub for documenting projects in repositories. The markdown documents render nicely on GitHub for improved collaboration.

    Benefits of Using Markdown for Improved Readability and Professionalism

    Key advantages of using markdown for technical writing include:

    • Formatting for visual organization - Markdown makes it easy to visually organize documents with headers, lists, highlights, and other basic formatting to enhance scanability and readability.
    • Output to multiple publishing formats - While readable in source, Markdown can also be exported to HTML, PDF, and more for publishing. This allows creating professional technical documents from the same source markdown files.
    • Streamlined workflows - Markdown is optimized for writing efficiently while also keeping documents readable and adaptable. This improves workflows for technical writers managing documentation projects.
    • Version control integration - Markdown integrates smoothly with Git and version control platforms like GitHub to streamline collaboration for teams.

    Markdown Syntax Essentials: Basic and Extended Elements

    Markdown supports both basic and extended syntax elements:

    Basic syntax includes headings, paragraphs, lists, highlights like bold and italics, links, images, and code blocks for formatting source documents.

    Extended syntax adds additional capabilities like tables, tabs, emoji, diagrams, footnotes, and more. Many platforms like GitHub have also extended markdown in unique ways.

    Learning both basic and extended markdown syntax allows flexibly formatting technical documents of any complexity while maintaining readability.

    Why use Markdown for documentation?

    Markdown offers a streamlined workflow for creating technical documentation compared to traditional word processors. Since Markdown formatting is lightweight text, it allows writers to focus on content instead of styling.

    Here are some key benefits of using Markdown for docs:

    • Simplified formatting: Markdown uses simple syntax like asterisks for italics and underscores for bold instead of buttons and dropdown menus. This makes styling docs faster.
    • Readable source: Markdown files have minimal clutter so they stay readable in raw text form. This makes it easy to track changes in version control systems like Git.
    • Future proofing: If you decide to migrate your docs to a new platform later, Markdown source will be easier to convert than word processor formats.
    • Multi-platform publishing: You can use Markdown to publish to various platforms like GitHub, websites, ebooks, and more with Markdown converters. Popular static site generators like Jekyll have built-in Markdown support.
    • Focus on writing: Since you don't have to stop to apply styling, you can focus on content creation instead. This leads to better quality documentation.

    In summary, Markdown streamlines the process of formatting and publishing technical content. Its simple syntax gets out of the way so writers can focus on great documentation.

    Is Markdown good for note taking?

    Markdown is an excellent format for taking notes due to its simplicity and portability.


    The Markdown syntax is designed to be easy to read, write, and understand. It uses simple plaintext formatting like asterisks for italics and underscores for bold, avoiding the visual clutter of heavy formatting. This makes it fast and intuitive to write notes in Markdown. The lightweight syntax gets out of the way, letting you focus on your thoughts rather than fiddling with complex formatting options.


    Markdown files have the .md or .markdown file extension and can be opened with any plain text editor. This makes notes written in Markdown highly portable across devices and operating systems. You don't need specialized Markdown software to access your notes - a basic text editor is enough. This flexibility makes Markdown a convenient format for working across multiple devices.

    In summary, Markdown strikes the perfect balance of being a readable plaintext format while also retaining the ability to render more visually structured documents with minimal effort. These characteristics make Markdown an excellent choice for writable, portable, and future-proof notes.

    What is a Markdown in a document?

    Markdown is an easy-to-use markup language that is used with plain text to add formatting elements (headings, bulleted lists, URLs) to plain text without the use of a formal text editor or the use of HTML tags. Markdown is device agnostic and displays the writing format consistently across device types.

    Markdown allows you to write using a simple plain text editor while still being able to control things like formatting and layout. Some key benefits of using Markdown for documentation include:

    • Simplicity - The markdown syntax is very simple and easy to learn. You don't need to know HTML or advanced formatting.
    • Readability - Markdown keeps the content clean and readable even in raw form. Documents are not cluttered with lots of tags.
    • Version Control - Markdown plays well with version control systems like Git because files are just plain text. Changes are easy to track.
    • Future Proof - If new display formats emerge, documents in markdown will still be readable. It's not tied to proprietary formats.
    • Portability - Markdown documents can be edited on virtually any device with a text editor. You're not tied to specific word processing applications.

    Markdown is commonly used for documentation of software projects, especially those hosted on GitHub. It allows developers to write documentation alongside their code using the same tools. Popular markdown editors like Visual Studio Code make it very efficient.

    Some examples of where markdown shines for documentation include:

    • README files
    • Software manuals
    • User guides
    • API documentation
    • Blog posts
    • Messages in forums or applications like Slack

    Because it can be easily converted to other formats like HTML, markdown provides a future-proof way to write professional documentation that looks great across devices. The simplicity of the format makes it easy for even non-technical users to contribute.

    How do you write technical documentation in Markdown?

    With Markdown, you write text in a plain text editor (such as vi or Emacs), inserting special characters to create headers, boldface, bullets, and so on. For example, the following example shows a simple technical document formatted with Markdown:

    ## bash and ksh

    bash closely resembles an older shell named ksh.

    Dec 18, 2023

    Some key benefits of using Markdown for technical documentation include:

    • Simplicity - The syntax is very simple and easy to learn. You don't need to know HTML or code.
    • Readability - Markdown focuses on readability of the raw text, making documents very easy to read and edit.
    • Version control - Markdown files work seamlessly with version control systems like Git.
    • Future proof - Markdown is a future proof format that will remain readable even decades later.

    Here are some essential Markdown syntax elements to use when writing technical docs:

    • Headings - Use the # symbol to mark headings and subheadings. More # symbols indicate lower heading levels.
    • Bold text - Surround text with two asterisks (**) to make it bold.
    • Code blocks - Use triple backticks (```) to create code block formatting for code snippets, terminal output, etc.
    • Lists - Use dashes (-), asterisks (*), or numbers to create bulleted or numbered lists.
    • Links - Square brackets surround the link text, parentheses surround the URL.

    In addition to basic syntax, there are some key extended syntax elements that are very useful:

    • Tables - Create tables using pipes (|) and hyphens (-).
    • Images - Similar link syntax, but with an exclamation point prefix.
    • Footnotes - Handy for additional commentary without cluttering content.
    • Table of contents - Auto-generated TOC for long documents.

    Overall, Markdown excels for technical writing thanks to its simple formatting, seamless version control integration, and long-term readability. With just a bit of knowledge, you can produce great looking docs.


    Getting Started with Markdown Formatting

    Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using simple syntax. It's commonly used for documentation because it's easy to write and read, portable across platforms, and can be converted to HTML. Here's an overview of some basic Markdown formatting to help get you started with documentation.

    How to Use Markdown for Documentation Structure

    To structure documents in Markdown, use headings by adding # symbols before the heading text. The more # you use, the smaller and more nested the heading.

    # Heading 1 
    ## Heading 2
    ### Heading 3
    #### Heading 4
    ##### Heading 5
    ###### Heading 6

    Group related paragraphs under each heading. Add line breaks between paragraphs.

    Lists and Bullet Points: Organizing Information

    Use bulleted lists with asterisks (*) or dashes (-) for an unordered list:

    * First item
    * Second item 
    * Third item

    Use numbered lists for an ordered list:

    1. First step
    2. Second step
    3. Third step

    Lists help organize information and make it more scannable.

    Embedding Visual Elements with Markdown

    To add images, use this syntax:

    ![alt text](imageURL)

    The alt text describes the image for screen readers and if the image fails to load. Use relative paths to link to images in the same directory or full URLs.

    To add links, use:

    [text to display](

    Markdown Code Block Techniques for Technical Documents

    To display code samples, use triple backticks before and after the code:

    // JavaScript code example 
    const name = "John"

    Markdown will automatically detect the language to highlight the syntax. This keeps code samples readable and maintainable.

    Using these basic Markdown elements will help you format documentation that's easy to write and read. Over time, you can learn more advanced syntax as your needs evolve.

    Enhancing Documentation with Advanced Markdown Features

    This section explores some more advanced markdown functionality like tables, tabs, diagrams, emoji, footnotes, and other extended syntax elements. These elements can help organize information and make docs more visually engaging.

    Organizing Information with Markdown Tables

    Tables allow you to arrange information in rows and columns for better visualization. Here is the markdown syntax for creating a basic table:

    | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
    | -------- | -------- | -------- |  
    | Cell 1   | Cell 2   | Cell 3   |
    | Cell 4   | Cell 5   | Cell 6   |

    Which renders as:

    Header 1

    Header 2

    Header 3

    Cell 1

    Cell 2

    Cell 3

    Cell 4

    Cell 5

    Cell 6

    You can align text to the left, center, or right by adding colons (:) to the header separator row.

    Other key table features include:

    • Formatting text as bold, italic etc.
    • Escaping pipe (|) characters
    • Spanning columns and rows

    Overall, tables are great for presenting data-driven content like pricing, specifications, changelogs etc.

    Creating Interactive Documentation with Markdown Tabs

    Tabs allow you to break up content into logical sections that users can toggle between:

    <!-- tabs:start -->







    <!-- tabs:end -->

    Rendered tabs:







    This keeps related info together while allowing readers to focus on the part they need.

    Integrating Diagrams and Flowcharts in Markdown

    You can insert diagrams and flowcharts using Markdown extensions like Mermaid:

    graph TD;

    This provides:

    graph TD;

    Mermaid supports flowcharts, sequence diagrams, GANTT charts and more. This helps illustrate concepts visually.

    Expanding Markdown Syntax with Emoji, Footnotes, and More

    Markdown has some extended syntax elements like:

    • Emoji - :smile: :+1: to enhance docs
    • Footnotes[^1] for references
    • Task Lists
    • Abbreviations[^html]
    • Definition lists

    These can make docs more expressive and tailored to specific use cases. But should be used in moderation.

    Overall, markdown offers many ways to organize, visualize and enrich documentation as per user needs. But restraint is key, as too many embellishments can reduce clarity.

    [^1]: Here is the footnote.

    [^html]: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

    Markdown Editor Choices and Integration with Development Workflows

    Choosing the Right Markdown Editor for Your Needs

    When writing technical documentation, choosing the right markdown editor can greatly impact your efficiency and workflow. Here are some of the most popular options to consider:

    • Typora - A minimalistic WYSIWYG editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Seamlessly toggles between markdown source code and rich text. Great for quick drafting and previewing docs.
    • iA Writer - A simple, distraction-free editor for macOS, iOS, Android. Focused writing experience with live preview. Supports Markdown syntax highlighting.
    • Ulysses - Robust writing app for macOS and iOS with advanced organization tools. Great for long-form writing projects. Has markdown preview and export.
    • Visual Studio Code - A free, open-source code editor with massive extensibility. Lean and fast with built-in Markdown support via extensions. Popular for technical writing.
    • Atom - Hackable text editor for developers with Markdown packages and previews available. Customizable to suit your needs.

    When evaluating markdown editors, consider your platform, customizability needs, preview functionality, exporting capabilities, and integration with existing workflows.

    Markdown for Documentation on GitHub: Version Control and Collaboration

    For collaborative documentation projects, GitHub offers built-in Markdown support combined with the power of Git version control. Benefits include:

    • Track Changes - View line-by-line updates to docs over time. Revert mistakes easily.
    • Branching - Create separate working copies (branches) to develop new features or test ideas without impacting main docs.
    • Pull Requests - Propose doc changes and ask for feedback from teammates before merging into the main branch.
    • Access Control - Manage permissions on who can edit docs. Enable outside contributors.
    • Web Hosting - GitHub Pages hosts markdown files online for free. Markdown files rendered to HTML for easy sharing.

    Overall, GitHub streamlines creating, updating and publishing markdown-based program documentation. Developers can contribute to docs alongside code.

    From Markdown to Published Content: Conversion Tools

    To publish markdown documentation to other formats, Pandoc is an invaluable Swiss Army Knife tool for automated document conversion:

    • Flexible Input/Output - Pandoc supports converting markdown to output formats like PDF, .docx, HTML, ebooks, LaTeX, and more.
    • Custom Templates - Create custom templates to control style, formatting, headers, table of contents, and layout.
    • Extendable - Plugins allow adding new output formats, syntax features, filters, and enhancements.
    • Command Line - Script and automate document processing workflows via Pandoc's CLI.

    For quickly previewing markdown as a website, use GitHub Pages, MkDocs, ReadTheDocs. To publish as books, use Leanpub or directly upload markdown files to Amazon Kindle. Overall, Pandoc gives you ultimate flexibility over publishing documentation from markdown source files.

    Leveraging Markdown for Documentation on Various Platforms

    Understanding how markdown support varies across different platforms and tools, and how to make the most of it for your documentation needs.

    Markdown and GitHub Pages: Hosting Your Documentation Online

    GitHub Pages integrated with Jekyll provides an excellent way to host markdown documentation online as a static website. Some key benefits:

    • Easy to set up and deploy sites from a GitHub repository using markdown files
    • Jekyll handles converting markdown to HTML behind the scenes
    • Supports markdown extensions like tables and fenced code blocks out of the box
    • Can customize site design using themes and layouts
    • Handles site generation and hosting - no need to run builds or manage servers

    To get started:

    • Create a GitHub repository to store markdown docs
    • Set up Jekyll and tell GitHub Pages to build from docs folder
    • Write markdown files and commit to trigger site updates
    • Customize _config.yml and site folders to tweak design

    With this approach, you can version, collaborate on, and publish markdown documentation as a site in one smooth workflow.

    Markdown on Wiki.js, Read the Docs, and MkDocs: Creating Knowledge Bases

    For internal knowledge sharing, markdown shines when used on open source wiki platforms like Wiki.js, Read the Docs, and MkDocs.

    Features like:

    • Instant full-text search across markdown pages
    • Linking between internal pages to connect concepts
    • Reusable page templates
    • Version control integration
    • Multi-user collaboration workflows

    Make them ideal for creating living handbooks, code documentation, and internal wikis. Structured markdown authoring coupled with these platforms result in intuitive, navigable, and up-to-date knowledge bases.

    Markdown in Communication Tools: Slack, Discord, and Mattermost

    Markdown support in popular team chat apps like Slack, Discord, and Mattermost makes it easier to:

    • Share code snippets with color syntax highlighting
    • Create checklists and task items
    • Format messages cleanly with bold, italics, lists
    • Link to other channels or messages

    This leads to more organized and readable conversations around development updates, product changes, troubleshooting details etc.

    Best practices are:

    • Use fenced code blocks for sharing longer code excerpts
    • Break down long messages into numbered lists
    • Hyperlink directly to other relevant conversations

    Markdown Support in Note-Taking Apps: Obsidian, Simplenote, and Joplin

    Top note-taking apps like Obsidian, Simplenote, and Joplin use markdown for better readability, easier formatting, and plain text longevity.

    Benefits include:

    • Faster note-taking without mouse usage
    • Clean rendering of bold, images, links, lists
    • Plain text storage for long-term compatibility
    • Ability to publish notes as-is for blogs/docs

    For personal or team note-taking, markdown in these apps boost productivity while retaining portability across devices.

    Conclusion and Next Steps

    Key Takeaways for Markdown Mastery

    Markdown is an essential tool for technical writers, software developers, and content creators. Mastering markdown can help improve workflows and efficiency when working with documentation.

    Here are some key takeaways:

    • Markdown offers a simple syntax for formatting documents. It's easier than coding in HTML and ensures your documents remain readable in plain text.
    • With markdown, you can easily create formatted elements like headings, lists, quotes, code blocks and tables right within your text documents.
    • There are some variations between markdown flavors, but the basic syntax works across most systems.
    • Use markdown editor apps and cheat sheets to speed up your formatting as you write.
    • Markdown keeps the focus on writing and content creation. The simple syntax gets out of the way so you can focus on producing great documentation.

    Further Learning: Markdown Tutorials, Guides, and Cheat Sheets

    Here are some recommended resources to level up your markdown skills: