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Limitations of Markdown


Short Version

While Markdown is convenient, it has limitations regarding complex formatting.

1. Limited styling options
2. Lack of support for advanced layouts
3. Variable implementations across platforms

Long Version

Understanding the Limitations

  1. Limited Styling Options: Markdown supports basic styling (like bold and italic) but lacks advanced options such as font colors, sizes, and other CSS-like features.

  2. Complex Layouts: If you require multi-column layouts or advanced table formatting, Markdown will not fulfill these needs without additional tools or extensions.

  3. Inconsistent Implementations: Different platforms may render Markdown differently, leading to inconsistencies in appearance across systems.

  4. No Built-in Imagery Control: Markdown does not provide any formatting options for images, such as alignment or responsive design features.

Understanding these limitations can guide you on when to use Markdown versus seeking more complex solutions when formatting is crucial.