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How to use Markdown with WordPress


Short version

To use Markdown in WordPress, install a suitable plugin such as Jetpack or WP Markdown Editor, then simply write using Markdown syntax in post or page content.

# This is a heading
*This text is italicized*

This is a heading

This text is italicized

Long version


Markdown is a lightweight markup language that enables easy formatting of text. WordPress does not natively support Markdown, but you can easily integrate it using plugins.

Step 1: Choose a Markdown Plugin

Several plugins allow you to use Markdown in WordPress. Some popular options include:

  • Jetpack: A multifunctional plugin that, among many features, provides Markdown support.
  • WP Markdown Editor: A dedicated Markdown editor that gives you a live preview.

Step 2: Install the Plugin

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click on Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for the plugin by name.
  4. Click Install Now, then activate the plugin.

Step 3: Start Writing in Markdown

Now that you have Markdown support enabled, you can start using Markdown syntax while creating posts or pages.

For example:

# This is a heading
*This text is italicized*

This will render as:

This is a heading

This text is italicized


By following the steps outlined above, you can easily incorporate Markdown into your WordPress site, allowing for efficient and stylish content formatting. Remember to check for compatibility and updates regularly to ensure optimal performance.