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How do I use bullet point Unicode in markdown?


Short version

You can directly use Unicode characters for bullets, e.g., , to create bullet points.

• First item
• Second item

• First item • Second item

Long version


Markdown supports the use of Unicode characters, allowing users to customize their bullet points instead of using the standard * or - characters.

Using Unicode Bullet Points

To implement Unicode bullets, you simply type the Unicode character before text. Here are examples of bullet characters:

  • Bullet: (U+2022)
  • Circle Bullet: (U+2219)
  • Square Bullet: (U+25A0)
  • Checkmark: (U+2714)

Example usage:

• First item
◦ Subitem
■ Important point

This renders as:

• First item ◦ Subitem ■ Important point


Using Unicode bullet points adds an aesthetic appeal to your Markdown lists. Feel free to choose any Unicode bullet character that fits your document's tone!