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Cheat Sheet - CommonMark Style Markdown


CommonMark is a standardized version of Markdown designed to solve inconsistencies in how Markdown is parsed. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used features of CommonMark style Markdown.


  • Level 1 Heading: # Heading 1
  • Level 2 Heading: ## Heading 2
  • Level 3 Heading: ### Heading 3

Text Emphasis

  • Bold: **bold** or __bold__
  • Italic: *italic* or _italic_
  • Bold and Italic: ***bold & italic*** or ___bold & italic___


  • Unordered list: Start lines with -, +, or *

  • Ordered list: Start lines with numbers followed by .

    1. First item
    2. Second item

Links and Images

  • Link: [Link text](URL)
  • Image: ![Alt text](Image URL)


  • Inline code: Enclose text with backticks `

  • Code block: Enclose text with three backticks (```) or indent with four spaces

    ```markdown code block ```


  • Start a line with > followed by a space

    > This is a blockquote.


  • Use pipes | to create columns and hyphens - to create headers
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| Row 1    | Data 1   |
| Row 2    | Data 2   |

Horizontal Rules

  • Use three or more hyphens ---, asterisks ***, or underscores ___

Special Characters

  • Escape special Markdown characters with a backslash \

CommonMark's standardized approach ensures that Markdown documents are consistent and portable across different platforms and parsers.